We invite you to plunge into the world of cryptocurrencies already at the current stage!On the course, we do not recommend working with exchangers, because.it is better to work with stock exchanges.But for paying a small amount and at the same time trying to interact with cryptocurrencies — the exchanger is just right!
Check that the site name is exactly — www.moonpay.com. Beware of scammers who fake website domains
2. Select your currency in sending currency and USDT(TRC-20) in the receiving currency. Put 29.99 in "I want to buy" field
3. Enter your e-mail on next step
4. You'll receive a verification code on e-mail, enter it. Select "agree" checkbox and press "continue"
5. Than you proceed as with regular payment - enter your details, billing adress and card number.
6. As an adress to receive you should enter this one: TYkN9PfgPxd2MtCkGxcYEh3W9JkUUeuKGg
7. After successful payment, write an email to cryptostartcourse@gmail.com with the text "I have successfully paid" (use this text).You will receive a link to the course in your email. Get new knowledge!
You will receive a link to the course in your email in a few minutes. If not - check SPAM folder.